Site Address :- CS No. 66\74, Inspire, Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Road, Next to ITC, Parel, Mumbai, Maharastra - 400 012.
Regst. Office :- Kiron Group, 102A & 103, New Udyog Mandir No. 2, 1st Floor, Mogul Lane, Behind Johnson &Johnson, Mahim West, Mumbai - 400 016
Email : [email protected] I Contact : 022 244 43310/47.
Disclaimer : All plans, drawings, amenities, other information, etc. in the brochure are indicative of the kind of development that is proposed and are subject to the approval of the respective authorities. All renderings, floor plans, pictures, perceptive views of buildings, interiors and maps are the artist conceptions and not actual buildings, walls roadways or landscaping. The developers reserve the right to make changes or alterations at their sole discretion without prior notice or obligation. The list of team members in only indicative and not limited to the same, the actual team shall vary for each project depending on various factors and advantages.